Local Government Boundaries Commission Submission

December 23rd, 2024

The Adelaide Hills Council (AHC) have recently submitted their submission to the Local Government Boundaries Commission’s investigators BDO Australia expressing their opposition to the Campbelltown City Council (CCC) Boundary Change proposal. The AHC argue that CCC have made unsubstantiated claims and assumptions about Rostrevor and Woodforde’s identity and relationship with the Adelaide Hills Council, while overlooking the serious long-term consequences of the proposed change on the entire Adelaide Hills community. 

Based on neighbourhood conversations with residents of Rostrevor, Woodforde, and Teringie at the AHC Community Forum held on 30 April 2024, AHC have argued that Rostrevor, Woodforde, and Teringie are a cohesive and connected part of the Adelaide Hills. The AHC aims to preserve and protect the tranquil bushland setting, enhance the public realm to improve physical connections and shared amenities, and supporting events and locally-led initiatives that foster a strong sense of community.    

The attached submission expands on twelve key reasons why decision makers should reject the proposal.

  1. The Subject Areas have a special ‘Hills’ character that must be protected.

  2. The proposed boundary change has been rejected by our community.

  3. The boundary change proposal would fracture relationships within our community.

  4. The Subject Areas are demographically more similar to the Adelaide Hills than the Campbelltown area.

  5. The Subject Areas are already well serviced by the Adelaide Hills Council.

  6. The boundary change would materially financially disadvantage Adelaide Hills and Campbelltown ratepayers.

  7. Claims by the Campbelltown City Council that Adelaide Hills residents cannot have a say in Campbelltown City Council matters are both false and misleading.

  8. As society has changed, so has the concept of a ‘community of interest’.

  9. Daily routines are a matter of convenience and choice, not council boundaries.

  10. Public facilities are for the use and enjoyment of all.

  11. ‘Quicker response times’ by Campbelltown City Council is an unsubstantiated promise.

  12. Campbelltown City Council makes long-term promises based on a short-term perspective.

The Commission’s Inquiry is still underway and will include further investigations AHC welcomes our community’s ongoing contributions and feedback as the boundary change

Inquiry progresses.  AHC is seeking assurances from the Commission that engagement will be extensive and give all residents of the affected areas a genuine opportunity to have their voices heard.