March Community Picnic
It was fabulous to see so many people attend the first Woodforde Community Event. This was a great opportunity for us to meet some of our neighbours, share suggestions about our community and consider next steps to progress issues and improvements for our Woodforde community.
The Adelaide Hills Council Mayor Jan-Claire Wisdom, and Nathan Daniell, who was Deputy Mayor at the time and Councillors, Louise Pascale and Leith Mudge attended, as well as representatives from the Morialta Resident’s Association.
Three reasons for holding the community event were to:
bring the people of Woodforde and Hamilton Hill together to meet the neighbours and discuss matters of mutual interest
advise of the community amenities agreed to by the developers and how to get this done to a satisfactory level for all Woodforde residents, both the existing suburb and newly developed Hamilton Hill.
advise of the Campbelltown City Council takeover bid, what has happened over the last five years, what is currently underway and what we can do to ensure our voices continue to be heard
There was a very positive response to the event and a number of people put up their hands to be part of a working group to get things started.